The government will present amendments to the law on the Economic Security Bureau and some other laws to minimize the potential for any possible pressure on "white", legal businesses.
My wszyscy w Europie potrzebujemy jedności bezpieczeństwa, jedności politycznej, jedności gospodarczej – jedności narodów, które potrafią dbać o siebie nawzajem i o całą wspólnotę – o swoją jedność.
Today, government officials met with representatives of Ukrainian business. The discussion was not an easy one. In times of war we all have to be united by one task – the strength of Ukraine, the strength of our society and our economy.
Always, and especially now, the words "I am Ukrainian" carry a special meaning. Today, they are filled with courage, pride, and indomitability of our people. The pain that every Ukrainian feels and at the same time the strength that helps us endure everything. Overcome everything.
It is important to bring Russia to full, fair accountability at all levels. At the individual level, so that every war criminal is held to account, every terrorist. And at the level of the entire terrorist state – through its assets and capabilities.
We already see specific dates when new strong documents can be expected. I am grateful to our entire team involved in negotiations, to all the leaders, and to those countries ready for truly ambitious decisions.
All of our diplomatic representatives must step up their efforts to ensure that our partners respond more actively to every instance of Russia's circumvention of sanctions.
Ukraine needs an ambitious, active perspective. We want our country to retain the initiative, not the enemy. We want the end of the war to depend on Ukrainian actions.