President of Ukraine


The longer the war lasts, the more vile, shameful and cynical things Russia inscribes in its history forever.

Politics, economics, military sphere, food, environment, migration - there is no area of our lives in which there is no catastrophe, crisis or threat of catastrophe or crisis due to Russia's actions. The quality of our answers directly depends on only one thing - our unity.

We must show that European unity outweighs any doubt about Europe's ability to defend its values. Ukraine has de facto become part of the European Union. We are already cooperating both bilaterally and at the EU level on a scale commensurate with full membership. What can prove this better than the fact that we protect each other?

The inevitability of punishment is a principle that Ukraine will definitely teach Russia. But first of all, we must teach it on the battlefield that Ukraine will not be conquered, that our people will not surrender, and our children will not become the property of the occupiers.

The full restoration of the territorial integrity of our state is our goal. But we must act carefully, valuing life.

The pause in agreeing on new sanctions in Europe has been too long. The fifth sanctions package was introduced on April 8. So, a lot of time has passed without strengthening European sanctions against Russia. Russia must feel a much higher price for its aggression.

The European home was never complete without Ukraine. It won’t be. There will never be a full-fledged European power without Ukraine. The very fact that Ukraine remained a fragment of Europe, somewhere outside your countries, contributed to the fact that Russia has developed an aggressive appetite to seize its neighbors. Therefore - at the strategic level - the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union for Ukraine should be approved already in June.

The unity I saw with my own eyes today in Kharkiv. The heroism our soldiers in Donbas show every day. The determination of Kryvyi Rih. This is our path. The path to ensure that the peace of life is always felt throughout Ukraine and that smiles always reign, not the roar of artillery.

Again and again I will remind the world that Russia must finally be officially recognized as a terrorist state, a state - sponsor of terrorism. This is simply true. This is fair and reflects the daily reality that the occupiers have created in Ukraine and are eager to bring further to Europe. And this must be legally enshrined.

Donbas will be Ukrainian. Because this is us, this is our essence. And even if Russia brings destruction and suffering everywhere there, we will still rebuild every city and every community. And there is and will be no alternative to our Ukrainian flags there.