3 March 2022 - 01:14
Ukrainians! Every invader should know: they will not get anything here. No one will be conquered. Even if they can accumulate more equipment and more people, it doesn't change anything for them. Wherever they enter. They will be destroyed everywhere. They will not have peace. They will have no food. They will not have a single quiet moment. The invaders will receive only a rebuff from Ukrainians.
2 March 2022 - 09:32
1 March 2022 - 12:37
This attack on Kharkiv is a war crime. This is state terrorism of the Russian Federation. After that, Russia is a terrorist state. Obviously. And it must be official. We call on all countries of the world to respond immediately and effectively to this criminal tactic of the aggressor and to declare that Russia is committing state terrorism. We demand full responsibility for terrorists in international courts.
28 February 2022 - 23:48
The state committing military crimes against civilians cannot be a member of the UN Security Council. The entrance to all ports, channels, airports in the world must be closed for this state . Such a state must not receive hundreds of billions for energy exports. Buying Russian goods now is to pay money for murdering people.
28 February 2022 - 11:00
27 February 2022 - 18:10