22 March 2022 - 22:17
22 March 2022 - 13:35
21 March 2022 - 00:49
It is already the 25th day since the Russian military has been vainly trying to find imaginary “Nazis” from whom they allegedly wanted to defend our people. Just as they are vainly trying to find Ukrainians who would meet them with flowers. At least in one city of our state. At least in one village.
20 March 2022 - 20:17
I don't need to convince you how intertwined our stories are. Stories of Ukrainians and Jews. In the past, and now, in this terrible time. We are in different countries and in completely different conditions. But the threat is the same: for both us and you - the total destruction of the people, state, culture. And even of the names: Ukraine, Israel.
19 March 2022 - 18:29
Last year we agreed on a big conference with the President of your country. Conference in Lugano. For the sake of economic transformation, for the sake of Ukraine's reforms. It was to take place this July. As well as the next summit of the first ladies and gentlemen. And I believe, I know we can hold them. This year. On your land.