President of Ukraine


Możemy zrobić wszystko, aby przewrócić tę nieprzyjemną stronę i ponownie uczynić współpracę i wzajemną siłę kolejną stroną naszych relacji.

We can do everything to turn this disagreeable page and make the next chapter of our relations one of cooperation and mutual strength again.

Today, Ukraine honors the memory of their feat. The memory of how Ukrainians can fight for their freedom. In the squares, on the barricades, and today – at the front. The memory that in the most difficult moments of history we never give up.

The situation is extremely difficult in several parts of the frontline, where Russian troops have amassed maximum reserves. They are taking advantage of the delays in aid to Ukraine. And these are very tangible issues.

Support is important. Solidarity – is important. Only together, in unity, can we win in this war.

We must strengthen our alliances and partnerships to ensure they are capable of protecting life in both the present and the future, making the 21st century distinct from the 19th or 17th – marked by peace. A reliable, lasting peace that no revanchist can destroy.

Important meetings with partners are planned. There will be new agreements. We are doing everything to make them effective for Ukraine, and I am sure it will be so.

Ukraine's global role is to be a security donor, a security exporter. Ukrainians know how to be strong and will always be strong and help others.