President of Ukraine


There are ten points in total, which will be presented next week, and for each point, together with Ukrainian civil society, together with everyone ready to contribute rational ideas, together with business, we will prepare a foundational, doctrinal document for Ukraine, for our resilience.

We are actively working on the points of Ukraine's internal Resilience Plan – the Plan that will fill with internal strength everything we presented to our partners in the Victory Plan.

The system should work exactly as we discussed with the guys on the frontline and with civil society representatives. And I am grateful to all those involved in the development of this new feature.

There are good results in bolstering air defense, and we will continue to build on this experience. We are preparing further organizational and technical enhancements to the mobile firing groups and drone operations. This is a clear priority.

We understand very clearly that diplomacy has no prospects without strength. But without a clear understanding of diplomatic goals, weapons alone will not do the job.

Currently, more than 800 companies are working on the production of weapons for our Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine. Now, for the first time in more than 30 years of independence, we have not just individual investment steps of our partners in Ukraine, but systemic investment models.

And next week should also bring relevant results – results in our work with partners.

Peace is the reward only for those strong. Thus, there is no alternative to a strong Europe. And unity is essential, of course, for strength.

We are fully aware: the Ukraine we want for our children is a Ukraine that has achieved lasting peace, has fulfilled all its reconstruction goals, and is using every connection to the global world in the right way. This is our collective effort.

In general, it was extremely important for us in Ukraine and for all of Europe to consistently hear the words of the then-45th President of the United States about "peace through strength." And if this becomes the policy principle of the 47th President of the United States, America and the whole world will undoubtedly benefit from it.